Hong Kong is a meeting place for migrant domestic workers, traders, refugees, asylum seekers, tourists, businessmen, and local residents. In Born Out of Place, Nicole Constable looks at the experiences of Indonesian and Filipina women in this Asian world city. Giving voice to the stories of these migrant mothers, their South Asian, African, Chinese, and Western expatriate partners, and their Hong Kong–born babies, Constable raises a serious question: Do we regard migrants as people, or just as temporary workers? This accessible ethnography provides insight into global problems of mobility, family, and citizenship and points to the consequences, creative responses, melodramas, and tragedies of labor and migration policies.
Born Out of Place:Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor是本非常有意思的書﹐寶貝終於到啦!慶祝!,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀
作者: Nicole Constable
新功能介紹- 出版社:香港大學出版社
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2014/05/31
- 語言:英文
社會科學Born Out of Place:Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor全書的內容大意
Born Out of Place:Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
Born Out of Place:Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor總會覺得彷彿一伸出雙手便能擁抱全世界,誠意推薦給大家看喔!
- 博客來網路書店
作者: Nicole Constable
新功能介紹- 出版社:香港大學出版社
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2014/05/31
- 語言:英文
Hong Kong is a meeting place for migrant domestic workers, traders, refugees, asylum seekers, tourists, businessmen, and local residents. In Born Out of Place, Nicole Constable looks at the experiences of Indonesian and Filipina women in this Asian world city. Giving voice to the stories of these migrant mothers, their South Asian, African, Chinese, and Western expatriate partners, and their Hong Kong–born babies, Constable raises a serious question: Do we regard migrants as people, or just as temporary workers? This accessible ethnography provides insight into global problems of mobility, family, and citizenship and points to the consequences, creative responses, melodramas, and tragedies of labor and migration policies.
Born Out of Place:Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor
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Born Out of Place:Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor
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